How to find the lost phone very easy to detect

If you have lost your phone, apparently no hope to get that phone back, and this is very bad news for who lost their phone if seeing that mobile is the best friend of today, without mobile, some of us can't spend our time happily ,if you agree with these terms you can comment me, how mobile keep importance for you and in your life,
this article will help you to know how to find the lost phone, there has not been so much difficulty to detect the location of your device if the location setting of that lost phone was already turned on, so let's get started,

How to find the lost phone

How to find the lost phone

if you have already lost your device, no hope to get that back now, you will know how you can find your lost device, if you, unfortunately, come across get this,😞😞 face, do not worry, before your phone was lost, if you had already applied this method to your phone, you can easily able to detect your phone ,
 our smartphone has an option to find my device within the setting, you should keep that setting enable always, this setting not only help to find your device but also make your device running smoothly if you do not know how to enable find my device option in your device, follow these ideas,

  • go to google play store and search find my device /type on google search find my device,
  • make an account with that same google account, you already have had in your phone, 
  • do login,
  • check your device location,

friends as you successfully create an account, you may find some of the options such as
  Ring option - this option provides to make ringtone is getting started in your device, no matter if the phone out of your hand but you can easily handle your device, therefore ring option in find my device will let you know where your phone is ringing,
Recover - this option reveals to recover your phone, to give you the basic information about your phone,where your device is,

How to find the lost phone very easy to detect

this is how you may see once you are successfully logged in any device with that same google account was in your lost device, in the above pic you see some more options, Luck and erase respectively,
Luck - how to handle your lost phone by another device is in your hand, you can apply security lock to your device, from wherever you are, thus the burglar might be confined to avail the data in your device phone, all you need to keep remember the former google account and password, which was in your lost phone,
Erase - if you happen to lose your phone completely and feel unable to get your lost device back, then one thing more you can do is to erase your device from your present location, given erase option will delete all your necessary files from your phone, so that you may be saved from being lotted,

keep remember, find my device is found within a device with two types, first is that security software and the second is the google's find my device option which helps you locate your device

as probably every security apps and antivirus have this setting, if you are new to know, just do as I have said in this content, you have to make a google account, and associate that account to your devices, like Gmail, or google plus account,

now search on Google, find my device, click here to check that 
now login with your same Google account which is in your phone, once you connect that, you may see the status of your device, but keep remember that you should always keep the location setting enabled because finding my device works on the basis of live tracking,

 only and only if the location is enabled,find my device, shows the exact location of your device, you can track that phone from anywhere, just you need to have an extra phone to track that lost device, remember, you should know the same Google account, and password, and can log in any device to track that lost device

not only this, you can manage the feature of your device from anywhere, you can delete all necessary data from your phone to that lost device and also can apply the security option to your device, it means, even that lost phone is not in your hand, however, you can manage the overall necessary data of your lost device with another phone ,


but keep remembering, the more in haste you  apply this idea is better because stealer knows how to steal, so that stealer can
disable the location setting of your device, many devices are, after applied security, other settings like wifi, location setting is easy to enable, so you can not able to find that, keep these all information, and let me know, have you applied this method to find your device,

visit another page- /how-to-make-karaoke-in-mobile.

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